On November 5th officeworks had the pleasure of attending the IIDA Fashion Show, held at the Boston Convention Center. The 10 person table included the team at officeworks and our guests from Dyer Brown Architects and IA Boston. This premier event showcases the collaboration between design firms and their vendor partners to create themed wearable fashion made exclusively from materials and finishes used daily in the interior design profession. More than just a “fun” event, the Fashion Show has evolved into a charitable fund raising event, who’s past beneficiaries have included Dress for Success and Team Impact. In an effort to bring the organization’s charitable giving a little closer to home, the IIDA New England Board of Directors voted to use a portion of the proceeds from the show to fund educational initiatives and specifically to institute a scholarship award to deserving interior design degree candidates. The team from officeworks had great fun at this event and we applaud IIDA for their efforts of support for the community.